What’s in the name?

What’s in the name?

San Juan Mountains of Telluride ski tour - Kim Wheels & Luna
San Juan Mountains of Telluride ski tour – Kim Wheels & Luna

Luna – my beautiful Siberian husky who traveled a life journey with me, teaching me how to connect with the Earth and BE me. She was a strong alpha female lead husky- confident when interacting with others (either human or canine), expressing her desires without restraint, and energetically enthusiastically connected with life.  If trained from the start to lead a sled dog team, we could’ve won races!  We traveled, adventured and explored together for 14 1/2 years. In the end she taught me how to accept age, illness, and death gracefully – without judgement. My intention is to help others experience how to BE, as she taught me.

Energy – Everything is energy. Us and our interactions with each other; the Earth and it’s abundance of plants, rocks, creatures, animals, water…; Our food, homes, clothes and things; the Universe we live in and beyond. Consciousness is to be aware of this energy and to consciously interact with it, to positively and benevolently contribute toward greater joy and abundance.

Adventures – All of life is an adventure, isn’t it?  A collection of short adventures all add up to the big adventure of life… so whether a short hike or a multi-day mountain climb, each small adventure contributes to each of our own lifetime adventures. Which adventures we choose, whether a day at the office or a trip around the world, creates the full lifetime adventure that we learn from and is our contribution from being here this lifetime. Through Earth-connecting transformational adventures, Luna Energy Adventures aims to help facilitate individuals choosing a life beyond their greatest imaginings.

2 thoughts on “What’s in the name?

  1. Awesome website and I loved getting your blogs and connecting with the power and spirit that is transformed to us through Luna. Thanks for sharing and I hope you are doing ok. I am sure that this outlet has been a wonderful healing tool for you and business venture. Smile…

    1. Thank you for your support! It’s helpful to receive comments letting me know that people are reading and enjoying… Luna’s spirit is loving the Ophir blizzard swirling outside right now. Hope you are enjoying the snow this winter too! 🙂

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